Buck Danny

Buck Danny

Teksti: Jean-Michel Charlier - Piirtäjä: Victor Hubinon
Albumit: 1.40 - 1948-1979
Teksti: Jean-Michel Charlier - Piirtäjä: Francis Bergèse
Albumit: 41-44 – 1983-1988
Teksti Jacques de Douhet – Piirtäjä Francis Bergèse
Albumi: 45 - 1994
Teksti ja Piirrokset: Francis Bergèse
Albumit 46-52 – 1996-2008
Teksti Frédérick Zumbiehl – Piirtäjä: Francis Winis
Albumi 53 - 2013
Teksti Frédérick Zumbiehl – Piirtäjä: Gil Formosa
Albumit: 54-60 – 2015 - 2023
(Vuonna 2013 Dupuis julkaisi kuuden albumin Spin-Off sarjan.)

Teksti Frédérick Zumbiehl Piirtäjä: Jean-Michel Arroyo
Albumit 1-2 2014
Teksti Frédérick Marniguet ja Frédérick Zumbiehl
Piirtäjä: Jean-Michel Arroyo Albumit 3-10 2016-2023

As originally published
Jean-Michel Charlier and Victor Hubinon
No. Original French title English title

1) Les japs attaquent - The Japs Attack 1948
2) Les mystères de Midway - The Mysteries of Midway 1948
3) La revanche des fils du ciel - Revenge of the Sons of the Sky 1950
4) Tigres volants - Flying Tigers 1951
5) Dans les griffes du dragon noir - In the Claws of the Black Dragon 1951
6) Attaque en Birmanie - Attack in Burma 1952
7) Les trafiquants de la mer rouge - The Red Sea Smugglers 1952
8) Les pirates du désert - Pirates of the Desert 1952
9) Les gangsters du pétrole - The Oil Gangsters 1953
10) Pilotes d'essai - Test Pilots 1953
11) Ciel de Corée - Skies of Korea 1954
12) Avions sans pilotes Unmanned Aircraft 1954
13) Un avion n'est pas rentré - An Aircraft is Missing 1954
14) Patrouille à l'aube - Dawn Patrol 1955
15) NC-22654 ne répond plus - NC-22654 Is Not Responding 1957
16) Menace au nord - Menace in the North 1957
17) Buck Danny contre Lady X - Buck Danny Versus Lady X 1958
18) Alerte en Malaisie - Alert in Malaysia 1958
19) Le tigre de Malaisie - The Tiger of Malaysia 1959
20) S.O.S. soucoupes volantes! - S.O.S. Flying Saucers! 1959
21) Un prototype a disparu - A Prototype Has Vanished 1960
22) Top secret - Top Secret 1960
23) Mission vers la vallée perdue - Mission to the Lost Valley 1960
24) Prototype FX-13 - Prototype FX-13 1961
25) Escadrille ZZ - ZZ Squadron 1961
26) Le retour des tigres volants - The Return of the Flying Tigers 1962
27) Les tigres volants à la rescousse! - Flying Tigers to the Rescue! 1962
28) Tigres volants contre pirates - Flying Tigers Versus Pirates 1963
29) Opération Mercury - Operation Mercury 1964
30) Les voleurs de satellites - The Satellite Thieves 1964
31) X-15 - X-15 1965
32) Alerte à Cap Kennedy - Alert at Cape Kennedy 1965
33) Le mystère des avions fantomes - The Mystery of the Ghost Planes 1966
34) Alerte atomique - Atomic Alert 1967
35) L'escadrille de la mort - The Squadron of Death 1968
36) Les anges bleus - The Blue Angels 1970
37) Le pilote au masque de cuir - The Pilot with the Leather Mask 1971
38) La vallée de la mort verte - The Valley of Green Death 1973
39) Requins en mer de chine - Sharks in the China Sea 1977
40) "Ghost Queen" - "Ghost Queen" 1979

Jean-Michel Charlier and Francis Bergèse
No. Original French title English title

41) Mission Apocalypse - Mission Apocalypse 1983
42) Les pilotes de l'enfer - The Pilots From Hell 1984
43) Le feu du ciel - Fire From Heaven 1986
44) Les "Agresseurs" - The Aggressors 1988

70th Anniversary edition
1/2 Les Oiseaux Noirs - The Blackbirds 2017
2/2 Opération Checkmate - Operation Checkmate 2017

16 pages were written for Les Oiseaux Noirs before Charlier's death. The script was finished by Fréderic Zumbiehl and Patrice Buendia, and the artwork was finished by Bergèse. The second album was drawn by Andre Le Bras. The two were released as a 70th Anniversary edition in 2017.

Jacques De Douhet and Francis Bergèse

45) Les secrets de la Mer Noire - Secrets of the Black Sea 1994

Francis Bergèse
No. Original French title English title

46) L'escadrille fantôme - Ghost Squadron 1996
47) Zone interdite - No-Fly Zone 1998
48) Tonnerre sur la cordillère - Thunder over the Cordillera 1999
49) La nuit du serpent - Night of the Serpent 2000
50) Sabotage au Texas - Sabotage in Texas 2002
51) Mystère en Antarctique - Mystery in Antarctica 2005
52) Porté disparu - Missing In Action 2008

Frédéric Zumbiehl and Francis Winis
No. Original French title English title

53) Cobra Noir - Black Cobra 2013

Frédéric Zumbiehl and Gil Formosa
No. Original French title English title

54) La Nuit du Spectre - Flight of the 2015
55) Defcon One - Defcon One 2016
56) Vostok ne répond plus - Vostok Isn't Answering 2018
57) Operation Vektor - Operation Vektor 2019
58) Le Pacte! - The Pact!
59) Programme Skyborg - The Skyborg program 2022
60) Air Force One - Air Force One 2023

Spin-off series
Buck Danny Classics

Frédéric Zumbiehl and Jean-Michel Arroyo

No. Original French title English title

1) Sabre sur la Corée - Sabre in Korea 2014
2) Duel sur Mig Alley - Duel in Mig Alley 2014

Frédéric Marniquet, Frédéric Zumbiehl, and Jean-Michel Arroyo
No. Original French title English title

3) Les Fantômes du soleil levant - The Ghosts of the Rising Sun 2016
4) L'île du diable - Devil’s Island 2017
5) Opération rideau de fer - Operation Iron Curtain 2018
6) Alerte rouge - Red Alert 2019
7) Sea Dart - Sea Dart 2020
8) Le Repaire de l'Aigle - The Eagle's Lair 2021
9) Le vol du Rapier - Flight of the Rapier 2022
10) Molotok-41 ne répond plus - Molotok-41 doesn't answer 2023

Cinebook Ltd have been publishing English language translations of Buck Danny since 2009. Nämä ovat uusintoja vanhoista albumeista.
1. Night of the Serpent, 2009
2. The Secrets of the Black Sea, 2010
3. Ghost Squadron, 2012
4. No-Fly Zone, 2014
5. Thunder over the Cordilleras, 2015
6. Mystery in Antarctica, 2016
7. Missing in Action, 2017
8. Black Cobra, 2018
9. Flight of the Spectre, 2019
10. DEFCON One, 2019
11. Vostok Isn't Answering, 2020
12. Operation Vektor, 2021
13. The Pact, 2021

Lehden nimi
Buck Danny no 30 Avaruuskapselin Arvoitus
Buck Danny no 32 Hälytys Cape Canaveralissa
Buck Danny no 34 Atomivaara
Buck Danny no 35 Kuoleman Laivue
Buck Danny no 41 Mission Apocalypse
Buck Danny no 45 The Secrets of the Black Sea
Buck Danny no 46 Ghost Squadron
Buck Danny no 47 No-Fly Zone
Buck Danny no 48 Thunder over the Cordillera
Buck Danny no 49 Night of the Serpent
Buck Danny no 51 Mystery in Antarctica
Buck Danny no 52 Missing in Action
Buck Danny no 53 Black Cobra
Buck Danny no 54 Flight of the Spectre
Buck Danny no 55 Defcon One
Buck Danny no 56 Vostok isn´t answering
Buck Danny x Classic 03 1
Buck Danny x Classic 03 2
Buck Danny x Classic 05 Operation Iron Curtain
Buck Danny x Classic 06 Operation Red Alert