Dark Certainty, poetry (1931) Pueblo on the Mesa: The First Fifty Years of the University of New Mexico (1939) The So Blue Marble (1940, her first novel) The Cross-Eyed Bear (1940, later published as The Cross-Eyed Bear Murders) The Bamboo Blonde (1941) The Fallen Sparrow (1942; filmed in 1943) The Blackbirder (1943) The Delicate Ape (1944) Johnnie (1944) Dread Journey (1945) Ride the Pink Horse (1946; filmed in 1947; Robert Montgomery Presents TV series, Ride the Pink Horse episode, 1950; remade in 1964 as The Hanged Man) The Scarlet Imperial (1946, also published as Kiss for a Killer) In a Lonely Place (1947; filmed in 1950) The Big Barbecue (1949) The Candy Kid (1950; Climax TV series, Spider Web episode in 1958) The Davidian Report (aka The Body on the Bench, 1952; Robert Montgomery Presents TV series, The Davidian Report episode, 1952) The Expendable Man (1963; republished by Persephone Books, 2006) Erle Stanley Gardner: The Case of the Real Perry Mason, critical biography (1978)